0.12 Released!

This update is right on the heels of 0.11, but is a much smaller and more focused change based on the immediate feedback from that big one. This should be the final update for the next few weeks. Overall, the book is shaping up into its final form, I'd guess we're 85-90% done.


  • Lifeleech protocol was cut, as it was most likely to cost Operatives Shard, which they value more than HP.
  • Colored Lenses was renamed to Rosy Glasses, as it no longer strictly deals with Glowing. 
  • Reflect was made more generic and renamed to Adaptation


  • Repurposed Storage Facility now gives two free rooms. Previously it was only good for people who were short on rooms, now it's also economical for buying expensive rooms (save a couple scrip).
  • Research Cells cost decreased from 3 to 2. We want Operatives to be able to use this room for the entire campaign.
  • Re-education Facility was cut; Mindwiper became available to all Operatives. This may get cut next time.
  • Sentinel System cost reduced from 4 to 3. I'm still not happy with this, and may cut it in the future.

Briny Bastards

  • The Three's Psychic Lance was replaced with the Coral Crown. We already had a melee weapon (the nuclear axe) and wanted some more diversity here. This item dramatically boosts a power-user in a way that should be really satisfying!
  • The Greatwhite's Typhoon ability has been reworked, and its damage has been reduced from 6 to 3 (realistically, this won't change much; it's being doubled still)


  • Attacking with most weapons now generates awareness. This was suggested by a number of players since the original release of Cyberrats, and was present in an early draft of the original game. It's back, baby!
  • Definitely looking for feedback on this as it pertains to stealth missions!

Items and Gear

  • Removed Spear
  • Added Comically Large Hammer

The spear (and the psychic lance) both broke a rule of Cyberrats by being melee weapons that worked at Near range. Additionally, the spear was never used by playtesters, and didn't vibe with the rest of the game. A comically large hammer is and does.


Base Defense

  • Clarified suggestions and rules around Base Defense. Minor changes.


  • If you save a current or former Nemesis on a mission, you clear perpetual painted stacks. Whee! Two playtesters wanted more interaction with mutual Nemesis.


  • Cleaned up text
  • Added clarity, flavor
  • Removed "Delete old voicemails" from the corporate missions. It didn't land.

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